• Judgment of the procés. Marchena is silent and says that "it is not finished until the last judge signs it"
  • Sentence of the procés. The Supreme agrees to unanimously condemn the leaders of 1-O
  • Catalonia.The TC warns Torrent that he will commit a crime if he returns to the Parlament at the service of separatism

Seizure environment Content. Conversations measured. Thought Slippery looks. The atmosphere yesterday at the Royal Palace , at the reception offered by the Kings on the occasion of the National Holiday , was subjugated to the knowledge of the impending sentence of the process , in which, as this newspaper advanced, the Supreme Court will unanimously condemn by sedition , and not by rebellion, to the political leaders of 1-O. Everyone said publicly to ignore information that everyone handled. In the face of the impending and expectant failure before the reaction of the independentistas, Pedro Sánchez has found in Pablo Casado and Albert Rivera two allies who close ranks in support of any government action. The leader of the PSOE is determined to inform PP and Cs of the actions to be performed.

The possible escalation of tension of the independentistas after the sentence of the procés has led to the politicians of the opposition to forget their deep differences with Sanchez and to extend the hand so that the constitutionalism returns to face united a new chapter of challenge to the Rule of Law . Casado offered a "network" to the PSOE offering its seamless support. "The government knows that it has a network," he said in conversation with journalists. Minutes before, away from notebooks and mobiles, he had had a private conversation with Sánchez. "Do what you have to do," he said, making it clear that he will have the support of the PP.

The popular leader believes that for a minority government and in functions such as the current one, this support should reassure him to face the actions he must carry out. Casado seeks with his support to guarantee a firm, determined, courageous action in Catalonia . He maintains a fluid relationship with Sánchez and his doubts do not reside in Moncloa , but in the PSC. Be suspicious of his behavior.

Some misgivings towards the Catalan socialists that Rivera also shares, always incredulous with Miquel Iceta. However, the leader of Citizens believes that the State's response to what may happen in Catalonia following the Supreme Court's pronouncement should not be "partisan" ammunition, but rather a "state matter." That is why it also shares the need for PSOE, PP and Cs to agree on the response in case of a rebound in the conflict.

The orange leader expects Sanchez to call him and Casado to Moncloa to inform them of the steps to take and close a common position, in addition to discussing discrepancies, as Mariano Rajoy did in 2017. Rivera considers, in fact, These meetings should have already taken place, but he shows his willingness, this time, to attend the appointment with the President of the Government in office.

Pedro Sánchez, along with Princess Leonor, Infanta Sofia and Queen Letizia, just before the October 12 military parade. OSCAR DEL POZO

Constitutional Parliament Warning

The procés sentence planned the entire reception at the Royal Palace. Public response: "I can't comment on anything"; "I don't know her"; "They are assumptions, until it is notified there is no sentence" ... Someone showed his surprise because it was by sedition and not by rebellion. "It falls short," he repeated in more than one huddle with politicians. There were those who did not escape the crystal ball. Interior Minister Fernando Grande-Marlaska bet that there will be no disturbances in Catalonia. That the protests will be "peaceful", but, like Sánchez, he warned that if not, the state's response will be "proportional." That is, the State Security Forces and Bodies will guarantee the right to demonstrate, but if necessary they will intervene. "We have contemplated all possible scenarios," said Sanchez, who struggled to make public that coordination with the Mossos "is very good."

The president of the Government, who will appear in Moncloa when the sentence is known, told reporters in an informal conversation that his actions, in case the government has to act in Catalonia, will be guided by the principles of "democratic firmness, proportionality and unity. "

Moncloa is on alert, on permanent guard, but they convey tranquility because, they explain, there are lessons learned from 2017, when the staging of the illegal 1-O referendum took place and the ephemeral and expired unilateral declaration of independence. Sanchez appeals to the Constitutional Court's warning to the president and the Mesa del Parlament - they received this week the execution incident - of the criminal consequences that would have insisted on promoting independence resolutions, such as the one that this court recently suspended, in which ratified the right of self-determination. The Parliament plans a Plenary to respond to the sentence. "Let's see what happens. They will have to decide how they act."

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

Know more

  • Catalonia
  • PSOE
  • Citizens
  • Supreme Court
  • Pedro Sanchez
  • Pablo Casado
  • PP
  • Albert rivera
  • constitutional Court
  • Fernando Grande-Marlaska
  • Mariano Rajoy
  • Miquel Iceta
  • PSC
  • Mossos d'Esquadra
  • Politics
  • Reviewable permanent prison
  • international

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