- Does it work? Do you see me?

Shirin Mehdi's face is all that is visible in the mobile camera. The electricity has disappeared where she is, and around her it is carbon black. She is in Qamishli in northeastern Syria, near the border with Turkey, one of the areas that the Turkish military targeted its offensive during the day. Almost all day she has sought shelter in a basement, along with her mother, brother, nephew and many others from the neighborhood.

- Yesterday it was terrible. It was really scary and we were very scared. We hear bombs all the time.

After her brother's funeral, she has remained for a time to care for her old mother and her other brother who is ill. At home in Hammarkullen, Gothenburg, Shirin's husband and three children are waiting at the same time. She has promised them that she will come home full-skinned. But she is worried.

- Obviously you are trying to prove strong, but I am very worried indeed.

What should you do?

- I will stay here because I cannot leave my mother and brother here. Mom can't walk and is old. My brother is sick. So I can't leave them myself and save my life.

Hear the interview with Shirin in the clip above