• Migrants: Unicef-Oim, 77% minors abused on the central Mediterranean route
  • Catania, minors abused during pseudo-religious rites: four arrests
  • Migrants: minors in a former hotel in Messina, protests. Between Bari and Corigliano Calabro 1500 saved yesterday
  • Child sexual abuse, arrested former teacher in Reggio Calabria


10 October 2017 In Italy almost a thousand children are victims of sexual abuse every year: about 2 children every day. But last year there was a real record: 5,383 minors victim of violence, not only sexual; it is about 15 children every day. In six cases out of 10 these are girls. A figure that marks a worrying 6% more than the previous year. The alarm on the phenomenon comes from the latest Interforce figures of 2016, elaborated in the Dossier of the Terre des Hommes Defenseless Campaign (6th edition) presented today in the presence of the President of the Senate Pietro Grasso.

The victims of violence against minors are mostly females: in 2016 they were 58%, a percentage that increases when it comes to crimes of a sexual nature. The girls are 83% of the victims of aggravated sexual violence, 82% of the minors entered the production of pornographic material, 78% of the victims of corruption of minors, that is girls under 14 years old forced to attend sexual acts. Of the voluntary murders (more than doubled in one year, from 13 to 21 child victims), 62% were a child or a teenager.

"The Defenseless Observatory confirms that in our country there is a need for a radical change in the prevention of violence against girls", declared Raffaele K. Salinari, President of Terre des Hommes. "We need an ever-increasing commitment from the Government to find funds to combat and prevent gender-based violence that directs interventions both in Italy and in developing countries, but - the president points out - it also becomes increasingly important to establish broad alliances. , which include different actors, able to intervene at all levels, involving not only governments, organizations already engaged on the front line on these issues, professionals, but also boys and girls themselves. implementation of the plan to combat violence and gender discrimination launched by the United Nations and adopted, in particular, by the objective 5 of the Sustainable Development objectives 2015-2030, which is what we are doing with the Radio Indifesa program, aimed at knowledge and to the reflection on violence, discrimination and gender stereotypes with the participation of secondary level students on periore and various school web radios ".