The USB key found in the office of Mickaël Harpon at the police headquarters, containing elements that fuel speculation, was still being analyzed

The USB key found in the office of Mickael Harpon is still in operation at the headquarters of the Parisian PJ. Dozens of investigators have worked all night on the thousands of documents contained in this key 64 gigas, which worries the police. What is reassuring is that a priori, the contents of this USB key has not been transferred outside the prefecture. And that we did not find any sensitive data at home.

The USB key has not been connected to other computers than those of his service. At this point, the computer experts have found no trace of suspicious connection, either way. Clearly, this means that the decapitation videos recorded on this USB drive have not been downloaded by Mickael Harpon on a website. They come from the computers of the Intelligence Directorate which he was maintaining ...

More importantly, again - especially for officials worried about their security - this USB key has not been connected to computers other than those of its service. She was not connected, for example, to the killer's personal computer in Gonesse. This means, therefore, that the police names and addresses contained in this key did not leave the office where she was found. It is a first and real reason for relief. Especially since, according to our information, the other computer media seized at his home, the investigators have discovered, for the time being, no sensitive data