“Enhanced cooperation within the Northern Dimension framework opens up opportunities for expanding cooperation with Russia in the current political context - both for strengthening contacts at the level of ordinary citizens and for cooperation in key areas of interest to the EU (for example, climate, environment, healthcare), ”the document of the European Commission emphasizes.

The Northern Dimension is a joint policy of the EU, Russia, Norway and Iceland to develop cooperation.

Thus, the European Commission announced the need to start a dialogue with Russia, as well as with Belarus, in such areas of environmental partnership as the application of legal norms regarding soot carbon emissions, promotion of renewable energy sources, as well as other aspects of raising awareness about climate change.

Among the priorities of the partnership in the field of public health and social welfare are indicated the work to reduce the spread of infectious diseases, measures to combat the abuse of tobacco, alcohol and drugs.

Partnership in the field of culture, in particular, involves the development of tourism, youth exchanges, improvement of the conditions of the cultural industry and creativity.

According to the document, "the importance of this partnership for cooperation with Russia should be emphasized."

For grants aimed at working together with Russia, the EU intends to allocate more than € 4 million in 2019-2020.

Earlier, Russia extended an agreement on cooperation in the field of science with the EU.