A lawsuit was filed a few days ago at the Supreme Court of Quebec accusing US-based Fortune Game owner Epic Games of designing the game specifically to get users into an addiction situation, according to Canada's Global News, where players had to seek treatment for their addiction. To complain.

The lawsuit, filed last Friday, accused Fortnite makers of designing an online video game to be addictive, comparing it to cocaine use.

"Fortnite's addiction has real consequences for the lives of players," the notice said. "Many of them don't eat or bathe.

The lawyer who filed the case, Jean-Philippe Caron, told AFP that the developers of the game asked for help "psychologists to help make the game easy to addiction."

He accused APEC Gammez of failing to "warn of the dangers and dangers inherent in its products," which was previously directed to tobacco companies in lawsuits.

Fortnite has become one of the largest free games ever played on consoles, leading to the development of a $ 3 billion cultural phenomenon for APEC Games last year. The company said in March that nearly 250 million users worldwide the game.