By RFPosted on 08-10-2019Modified on 08-10-2019 at 07:35

An inclusive national dialogue is being prepared in Mali. The decentralized phase of this exercise began on Monday, October 7, in the municipalities, but political parties, including the main opposition party, refuse to participate in the work, saying that this debate is not inclusive.

The government says it, no subject will be taboo in the course of inclusive national dialogue, governance, security, draft constitutional revision or the Algiers peace agreement are on the agenda debates. But for several Malian political parties of the opposition, it is not a real dialogue.

" Everything but a dialogue "

" This is not a dialogue, it's anything but a dialogue, they did specify that it was simply a forum for evaluation and proposal, denounces Master Demba Traore, former minister and member of the URD, the main opposition party in Mali. I think that Mali has gone beyond this, giving itself the leisure to continue to go to forums of evaluations and proposals it is counterproductive. That's why we decided not to participate. "

And like other political parties, he specifies the conditions required by his party to agree to participate in the process of the national dialogue that has just been launched. " Mainly, there is the establishment of the committee parity, opposition, majority, civil society and secondly there is the adoption of resolutions, enforceable, which will be imposed on everyone. "

A sovereign national conference

Clearly, like other allies, the URD wants what could be called under other skies, a sovereign national conference.

ALSO READ: Tiébilé Dramé: "It's an additional attack against Mali and the Sahel countries"

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