Cabbage is a useful vegetable for the body, because it contains vitamin "K", "A", "C" and "B9", as well as magnesium, calcium and potassium.

In this report, published by the Russian site "FPR" Russian author Vedetskia Victoria reviewed the reasons why you eat cabbage on a daily basis:

1. Lose weight
Eating cabbage - along with exercise - helps in weight loss because it is a fiber-rich vegetable, and helps you eat less and feel full.

2. Enhance energy in the body
Feeling tired and lazy all the time may make you not doing your daily activities normally, so eating cabbage can help boost your energy, since it contains magnesium and iron, which help to get rid of fatigue.

3. Intestinal health
Some intestinal problems lead to diarrhea and persistent fatigue, so it is advisable to add cabbage to your diet as it is high in fiber.

4 - Reduce the symptoms of colds
Cabbage is a product that can help alleviate the common cold and deal with it because it contains vitamin C, which some believe may help to alleviate the symptoms of colds.

5. Reduce cholesterol level
High cholesterol levels are a serious problem. Currently, many people are obese due to an unhealthy diet, which can lead to death from heart disease.

To lower blood cholesterol, it is recommended to change your diet by eating healthy, low-calorie foods rich in dietary fiber, such as cabbage.

6. Enhance the sense of sight
Cabbage contains many other nutrients such as lutein and zeaxanthin, known for its ability to reduce the risk of macular degeneration and cataracts.

7 - heart health
Vitamin C and potassium found in cabbage help fight cholesterol plaques that form in the arteries.