The Sharjah Police General Headquarters once again warns the public not to respond to the fake text messages that have been circulated in the past few days belonging to people representing state banks where they lure their victims in deceptive ways, telling fictitious stories to get them in their nets, obtaining and penetrating their bank statements and then seizing their money.

These continuous warnings aim to address all the continuous methods of inflicting bank customers, in light of the growing number of victims of the telephone and electronic monument, and that the reduction of the phone monument operations are not completed, only by the community

The General Directorate of Sharjah Police points out that banks in the UAE communicate with their customers in a well-known and direct way.It does not ask them to contact the bank through the numbers recorded in the letters for any reason, but only to invite them to visit the bank branch directly, or through official and secure applications. Upon updating the customer's data, the bank can only visit any branch of the bank in complete confidentiality.

Sharjah Police calls on members of the public not to deal with suspicious phone numbers or text messages, maintain the confidentiality of personal financial information, and inform the security services immediately after receiving a suspicious phone call, and take caution in dealing with numbers and phone messages as soon as they receive and ascertain their source, within the framework of keenness The Sharjah Police General Headquarters will raise awareness among members of the community about the dangers of this scourge which require caution and wisdom in dealing with it.