The candidate LREM at the mayor of Paris has assured Europe 1 want to continue working at a rally of Cédric Villani, also campaigning.


Should we expect a fratricidal battle in Paris? The campaign for the municipal began with a dissent in the capital, since the majority MP Cédric Villani did not join Benjamin Griveaux, the candidate officially invested by LREM, to embark on the adventure. At this point, the mathematician says he wants to go to the end of his approach, and still refuses the hand extended by the former spokesman of the government.

"It's not for lack of trying, but to dialogue you have to be two, and for the moment Cédric Villani is not in an attitude of dialogue," lamented Benjamin Griveaux Sunday at the microphone of the Grand Rendez-vous on Europe 1 / CNews / Les Echos . "I open my arms and hold out my hand for months," he says. "I made concrete proposals to him this summer of copilotage of the campaign on the major strategic choices and the teams."

However, Benjamin Griveaux does not doubt that Cédric Villani eventually join him. "Will we be able to meet again? We have more convergences than differences with Cédric Villani," he says. "I'm sure that people's problems will be behind the general interest of Parisians, and that's what I'm going to tirelessly do for the coming months," he says.