"We are disappointed with the US who did not bring anything to the negotiating table," says Kim Myong-Gil.

SVT News could already tell yesterday that a bilateral meeting between the US and North Korea was initiated at Lidingö outside Stockholm. Swedish Foreign Ministry then did not want to confirm or deny that talks were held in Sweden, but today on Saturday, Foreign Minister Ann Linde (S) wrote on twitter that it was gratifying that talks are ongoing between the US and North Korean delegations in Sweden.

Conversations that now seem to have failed.

Guarded by police

The discussions between US and North Korean officials were held at the Villa Elfvik Strand conference facility in Lidingö, outside Stockholm. The area has been blocked off and guarded by police.

In January 2019, North Korea and the US had a secret meeting at a courtyard in Bro outside Stockholm. It was preparing for the upcoming Vietnam Summit in February between Donald Trump and Kim Jong-Un. It was the second summit in history between the countries, but it was canceled prematurely as Trump left the talks.

Earlier this week, after North Korea announced that the talks would resume, the dictatorship performed a new test and fired a robot that crashed into the Japanese sea, something that was condemned internationally.