• Migrants. 6 years ago the sinking of Lampedusa: 368 victims, 20 missing
  • Migrants: still mini landings in Lampedusa, landed in 180
  • Rackete: "Where was the EU when I asked for help? No government wanted 53 migrants"


04 October 2019 "For me the solution, for asylum seekers is that we cannot wait 2 years to understand if one can stay here or not. Tomorrow morning I will sign a decree that will allow us in 4 months to understand if they can stay here and can to be repatriated ".

A close on repatriation, expanding and certifying again the list of safe countries and speeding up procedures on the Italian territory. After the announcement in recent days, Luigi Di Maio's decree on migrants arrives. Today the Foreign Minister and political leader M5S, together with the Minister of Justice Alfonso Bonafede, will present the measure from "his" Ministry, the Foreign Ministry. It will be a ministerial decree, which will therefore not pass by the go-ahead of the Council of Ministers. Among the leaders of the majority Di Maio had been among the most cautious on the Malta agreement on the redistribution of migrants. The theme, since the election campaign of 2018, is among the most "dear" to the leader of the Movement who now, without the cumbersome shadow of Matteo Salvini, tries to put his imprint on the dossier. And it does so starting from repatriations, an undiscovered nerve of the management of the migrant issue even in the yellow-green government.

It is also foreseeable that in the provision there will also be an acceleration of the procedures for the definition of the countries of origin by the territorial commissions. And the Di Maio decree intends to accompany a package of agreements with the African countries "theater" of departures for Europe through Libyan ports. Agreements on which, already in recent months, among other things, the premier Giuseppe Conte worked in his numerous "sorties" in Africa. A close, in short, that goes in the opposite direction to those who instead place the emphasis on the right of individual asylum, and who testifies how, in the yellow-red government, the Movement does not want to give up the grip on the dossier, thus also giving a political response " "to Salvini on a theme that the Northern League leader is preparing to ride even in the next Regionals. "The solution is the blocking of departures", is the mantra that the leader of the M5S has been repeating for days, convinced that with a tightening on repatriation and closer cooperation with African countries landings can really be reduced.