Paris (AFP)

"Nothing is prohibited" to the new Convention for climate change that will make proposals against global warming, said Friday the Prime Minister, however, it should be proposed that funding measures put forward.

"Nothing is prohibited, it is always possible to adapt our law and even our institutional framework," said Édouard Philippe at the opening of this unprecedented assembly of 150 citizens drawn by lot, noting, however, his hostility to an ecology " punitive "or" brutal ".

"You can obviously propose to mobilize the public money but as there is no magic money, it will be necessary to indicate to us (...) if possible new priorities must be financed by the debt, the tax, or savings, "he added.

He also repeated the promise of Emmanuel Macron to submit future proposals to lawmakers.

"I can not promise you that all your proposals will be applied, I would lie to you if I told you that," he said.

But "what I can guarantee you is that your proposals, if they come under a form of consensus, will be submitted to the consideration of the National Assembly and the Senate", or even if they fall under 'a national debate', referendum.

This Citizen Convention announced by the President at the end of the "big debate" to learn the lessons of the crisis of "yellow vests" is a first. But it could be renewed, said the Prime Minister.

"If this convention works well, and why it would work badly, there will be others on other themes.We wish with the president to make the project in which you participate a permanent modalities of the democratic life", insisted Édouard Philippe.

He called the 150 citizens of this first Convention to "be at the rendezvous" on a subject that worries the French and on which "our children themselves challenge us".

Referring again to "smiling" ecology, he rejected "apocalypse speeches". "They can have a form of utility but they accuse, they anguish and even maybe they sometimes paralyze: if you are told that everything is lost, why act?".

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