Cardinal Yukari Japan “Visit to the Pope's Dream” October 5th, 7:03

Archbishop Orolish, former vice president of Sophia University, who is newly appointed as the Cardinal to assist Pope Francis of the Roman Catholic Church, said in an interview with NHK that Pope Francisco's visit to Japan next month will be "realization of dreams" They showed that the visit to Japan was something that the Pope himself had strongly wanted.

Archbishop Jean Claude Orolish has been in Japan for over 20 years, including a professor and vice president of the German language department at Sophia University, and has been in Japan for more than 20 years. He was appointed cardinal to assist the pope.

Before the inauguration, Archbishop Olorish responded to NHK's interview in the Vatican on November 4, regarding the visit of Pope Francisco to Japan in November. He said, “I am going to make a difference.” He showed that the visit to Japan was something that the Pope himself had been hoping for.

He also pointed out that he understood the suffering experienced by Nagasaki and Hiroshima in the bombed areas, saying, “I think Japan is the best place to convey a message for peace,” He stressed that visiting Japan would be an opportunity to appeal the importance of peace.

On top of that, Archbishop Olorish expressed hope that this peaceful message would lead to improved relations with neighboring countries such as China and Korea.