Guest of Europe's leading evening newspaper on Thursday, Secretary of State Olivier Dussopt reaffirmed the government's desire to move towards a universal pension system, while designating some categories of civil servants who will benefit from a particular system.


It is a file on which Emmanuel Macron has no right to the error, and he decided to wear it in person. The president is in Rodez Thursday evening to launch the consultation on the pension reform, scheduled until the end of the year. But for the officials, the consultation had a few hours in advance, since, this Thursday morning, Jean-Paul Delevoye and the Secretary of State to the Minister of Action and Public Accounts Olivier Dussopt, presented the future reform at a joint council of the public service.

Some categories will have special rights

Invited by the great evening paper of Europe 1, this last one first reaffirmed that it is necessary "to find solutions to go towards a universal system". Thus, public servants will no longer see their pension calculated over the last six months of their career, but over the best 25 years. The Secretary of State opened the door to a differentiated system for certain categories of public servants. "All French people understand that when one is a soldier, firefighter, policeman, policeman, or other, one is confronted with a number of risks, [...] this type of job requires to leave a little earlier [retired] ", say the secretary of state at the microphone of Europe 1." These are used professions that often require a good physical condition, that we have more easily young than a little older ".

Far from the campaign promise of Emmanuel Macron "that a euro contribution will be worth the same for everyone", the secretary of state says: "These agents will remain in the active category with specific rights." In concrete terms, they will therefore be able to continue leaving earlier.