Mobile phone use is dropping further down the age - even within the school.

- It has changed drastically during my years as headmaster. Parents send a mobile phone to the school with ever younger children, says Carola bengtsson, principal at Lindberg's school.

In the questionnaire sent by SVT to the municipal schools in Halland, 73 per cent of the principals state that they have introduced some form of mobile ban. But at Lindberg School, you are in the middle of a decision-making process together with the students at the high school whether or not a ban should be introduced - and what it might look like.

The Rector: "Their voices are important"

At Lindberg's school, the students are therefore involved through oral dialogue and an anonymous questionnaire. After the results are presented, Carola Bengtsson, together with teachers, will observe how the mobiles are used in the classroom and on the breaks.

- My experience says that the students are wise. I want to hear their thoughts on the mobiles. Their voices are important for me to understand, she says.

SVT reported · What do you think about mobile bans in school?


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