The message comes in a press release that SAS published just before 11 pm on Thursday evening.

It refers directly to SVT's reporting on the uncertainty surrounding the "Unfit for flight" routine.

"This takes SAS very seriously and together with the relevant unions we will now develop an action plan", it says.

The company will also increase information and education efforts.

- In SAS, flight safety always comes first and there should never be a single question mark with any of our employees regarding safety reporting. Therefore, we take this information very seriously and act immediately. I will meet with trade union representatives to discuss the issue and jointly develop an action plan. We will also immediately increase the information and training efforts around the routines, says flight commander Rolf Bakken in the press release.

Agree with the tray

Earlier in two interviews he has rebutted that there would be some question marks about the "Unfit for flight" routine.

Rolf Bakken says in the press release that he agrees with the union official who stated in SVT during the evening, that the company has a good security job.

- At the same time, I am concerned that it is also stated that there is uncertainty about unfit reporting. That is why we now act vigorously.