The role of the Chancellor was to manage the economy of Jokkmokk's associate life. When she emptied her own savings, took from her partner's accounts and took large private loans, she decided to take money from a large number of associations.

"You think it's a joke," says Christer Högström, the woman's then manager.

The money was invested in a "deal" that the banker Kurt, from Umeå, repeatedly promised would pay big dividends. But no money ever came.

- It must be extremely cowardly people. So they have, to a large extent, been fooled by the whole association life in Jokkmokk, children and young people who have been selling coffee, moms and dads who have been baking, says Christer Högström.

Here you can read a longer article about the case.

The report "Banker's promises" will be sent on Wednesday, October 2 in SVT1 8 pm.