Gudrun Haglund-Eriksson's sheep have so far been able to cope with wolf attacks, but as chairman of the Fåravelsförbundet she has comforted members who have suffered major losses when their sheep are torn down.

- It is never pleasant and it is a great stress for both sheep and sheep owners that there are wolves nearby. For example, the egrets are more difficult to become pregnant if they sense the wolf even though no attack has taken place, she says.

Gudrun would rather see the wolf hunt intensified.

- We must have a safer hunting that is more efficient and a balanced strain - not all wolves can be found in Central Sweden.

Avoids the fence

But the question of the wolf shares the Fåravelsförbundet.

Helena Backius has sheep that go on herding in the middle of a wolverine in northern Hällefors municipality. During the fifteen years she has had sheep there, she has seen wolf tracks a few times outside the electric fence but has never been involved in any attack.

- The wolves avoid the electric fence. The only attack I had was a hunting dog that came in, but luckily I had to stop it all before some sheep were bitten, she says.

Helena Backius has had no grip on the fifteen years she has had and does not think much about it. Photo: Rolf Larsson / SVT

Bigger problems than wolf

Helena Backius believes that sheep farming has other problems than wolves.

- The problems with sheep care are not related to the wolf, but it is about what you get paid for their products, she says.