Painkillers can help relieve health problems such as headaches, joint pain, and menstrual pain. However, they should be taken with certain controls to avoid the risk of heart attack or stroke.

Analgesics relieve various symptoms and pain, such as knee pain, toothache, joint pain, headaches and gout, as well as migraine attacks, said Thomas Eisenberg, director of the German Society for Pain Management.

For her part, German pharmacist Ursula Zellerberg explained that the effectiveness of analgesics in relieving pain depends on the active substance and dosage.

There are many drugs in different combinations, she said, noting that simple symptoms are alleviated by non-opioid analgesics such as aspirin and paracetamol or by low doses of diclofenac, ibuprofen and naproxen. Many drugs are available with these active substances in different dosages and packages and without a doctor's prescription.

If the pain is caused by inflammation or inflammatory diseases, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen, diclofenac in higher doses and peroxicam are used, but these painkillers require a doctor's prescription.

In cases of severe pain caused by surgery or cancerous diseases, opioid analgesics, including morphine and fentanyl, are taken. These painkillers also need a doctor's prescription.

To avoid side effects, analgesics should not be taken for more than 3 consecutive days or 10 days per month (German)

Professor Ulrich Fulch, for his part, noted that pain is a warning signal from the body. Rather than resorting to painkillers permanently, the German internal medicine specialist advises to identify the origin of the problem and treatment.

Side effects
In addition, Eisenberg warned that painkillers available without a doctor's prescription may have side effects on the stomach, liver, kidneys, heart and blood vessels, and with long-term use of these painkillers may increase the risk of heart attack or stroke for patients who Suffer from chronic diseases.

Folch stressed the need to know the cause of the pain, pointing out that it is wrong, for example, not to clarify the cause of abdominal pain and abuse of painkillers without medical advice, it is possible, for example, the cause of pain due to appendicitis, which requires special treatment on the face the speed.

In cases where the cause of the pain is clear, doctors are advised not to increase the duration of analgesics for more than three consecutive days or ten days per month, for example in menstrual pain.

Threatening the child's life
Zellerberg pointed out that the availability of some painkillers without prescribing a doctor does not mean that it fits all cases and people, so you should at least seek advice from the pharmacist, as some painkillers such as aspirin are not prescribed to children on suspicion of causing Ray syndrome, which Infect the liver and brain and may threaten the life of the child.

Analgesics from the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug group could cause significant kidney damage in older adults with kidney problems or taking drugs to lower blood pressure, Eisenberg said. Those with irritation of the stomach mucosa should also be especially careful with these painkillers to avoid ulcers or stomach bleeding.

In general, Zellerberg recommends that you seek advice from your pharmacist and explain your condition so that you can determine what type of pain reliever is available without your doctor's prescription.