President Trump's request for cooperation with Australian Prime Minister

The American media reported that when President Trump had a phone call with Prime Minister Morrison of Australia, he was seeking to cooperate with the investigation that the US government had done to find out whether there was any problem with the investigation over the so-called "Russian allegations." The media criticizes the president using diplomacy for personal gain as well as allegations over Ukraine.

A leading American newspaper, the New York Times, talked to several officials on the 30th of last month that when President Trump talked with Australia's Prime Minister Morrison over a suspicion of 'Russian allegations', the American justice I told you that I was asking you to cooperate with the investigation that the ministry was conducting.

The phone call took place over the last few weeks, which means that the White House has restricted access to phone call records to a limited number of aides.

An investigation to explore the involvement of the Trump camp has begun, triggered by information originally provided by an Australian diplomat, and Attorney Bar has indicated that he would investigate whether the information gathering process was illegal. It was.

President Trump has raised suspicions that put pressure on Ukraine to gain information against the opposition and the Democratic Party, and the New York Times, as well as this suspicion, used the diplomacy for the personal benefit of the president. I criticize you.

Australian Prime Minister Morrison promises cooperation

An Australian government spokesman acknowledged the facts about this report.

In this, a spokesman revealed that Prime Minister Morrison had promised to cooperate with President Trump, “The Australian government is ready to support and cooperate in an effort to further clarify the issues under investigation. It ’s always done. ”

Although the specific details of the cooperation have not been made clear, it seems that the Morrison administration will explain how the information that led to the investigation of the alleged Russian investigation came from Australia.