Japan-U.S. Negotiation agreement Opinion for substantial assistance in relieving farmers' anxiety Liberal Oct 1 19:07

In response to the conclusion of the US-Japan trade negotiations, the Liberal Democratic Party held a series of voices to evaluate the content of the agreement. Opinions were also sought for support.

Japan-US trade negotiations last week will allow Japan to open the market for agricultural products such as beef and pork to the extent that it does not exceed the level of the TPP agreement, while the US will not trigger additional tariffs on Japanese cars while the agreement is being implemented The final agreement was reached.

At a meeting such as the Liberal Democratic Party's headquarters held on the 1st, Foreign Minister Mogi said, “We entered into negotiations based on the opinions received from the party and led to this result. A balanced balance between agricultural and industrial products. It became contents ".

On the other hand, the representatives who attended gave a series of opinions that evaluated it as “content that would be appreciated by farmers and the automobile industry”.

On the other hand, the secretary-general of the second floor said, “It is necessary to explain everything carefully and carefully so that the public can understand it well.” Opinions were also sought for substantial support for resolution.