Hard to extinguish the heat of criticism five days after the spectacular fire of the Lubrizol factory in Rouen. The authorities have many more reassuring messages for the health of residents, - no less than five ministers and a Prime Minister have made the trip - nothing works. Determined to demand more transparency, residents, associations, NGOs and unions have planned to march Tuesday, October 1 at 18 hours, from the courthouse in Rouen to the prefecture to "demand the truth", can we read in a statement .

It must be said that the city was plunged into a thick plume of black smoke twenty-two kilometers long and six wide. A dark and oily rain then fell on the entire town of Rouen, covering the cobblestones of the city and the surrounding field grasses without distinction. In the early morning, the Rouennais downtown discovered a street furniture covered with soot. In the surrounding countryside, pools of oiled rainwater. "This is a real oil spill that has spread over the city," says France 24 Olivier Blond, president of the association Respire. "This is a major health and environmental disaster," added Étienne Cognet, member of Youth for Climate Rouen in an interview at France 24. "France has not experienced such a tragedy since the explosion of the AZF plant . " [Toulouse, 21 September 2001, Editor's note]

"More transparency"

In a joint statement, eleven signatories - associations and environmental NGOs - denounced a lack of transparency of the authorities. The group regrets in particular that the list of products that burned was not communicated. The paper also complains that the full air and water analysis results have not been made public. Finally, they accuse the prefecture to silence the death of animals.

"The government has taken the measure of the situation very late, said the head of the association Olivier Blond.There is not necessarily malice on the part of the authorities, but given the situation, everyone is entitled to to obtain more transparency, but the results of analyzes currently published by the prefecture are far from exhaustive ".

"What would be the interest for the authorities to lie, to hide or what do I know yet?", Retorted the prefect of Normandy Pierre-André Durand, summoned to justify on BFMTV. "We live in a climate of widespread suspicion," he added, stressing the difficulty of "fighting against false news". And to continue, "we strive to produce analyzes, put them online to allow everyone to be interested in. We will continue to do so, other analyzes are expected."

Same speech from the Prime Minister, who made the trip on Monday night. If Édouard Philippe recognized odors "troublesome", he however recalled that they were "not harmful" and promised "absolute transparency". He also said Tuesday that the list of products that burned was going to be unveiled.

>> To read also: "Fire in Rouen: Édouard Philippe promises 'total transparency', worries remain"

"Asbestos and benzene"

Not sure that this exercise of transparency of the government is enough to appease the heated spirits of the demonstrators. "If there is nothing harmful, then it will be necessary to explain to me why young people in my school are still suffering from malaise, storm student Étienne Cognet.I myself had headaches and nausea for several days and continue, we are told one day that there are traces of asbestos and benzene worrying for health and the other that there is no toxicity. another speech ".

On Monday, a handful of teachers exercised their right of withdrawal in three colleges in Rouen, said the National Union of Teachers Secondary (SNES).

Mistrust fueled by a risky government communication. Before the Prime Minister goes on the spot, the Minister of Health, Agnès Buzyn, estimated after his visit of the site that "the city [was] clearly polluted" by soot and that it was necessary "not to touch without protection "since it was" a combination of engine oil and hydrocarbon additives ".

In this troubled context, the association Respire has called on the population to present all the elements that could present a pollution so that they can be analyzed by an expert and an independent usher. "Such a study is expensive for our association which does not have many means, but it is necessary in this climate of mistrust".

"At least carcinogenic"

For Annie Thébaud Mony, honorary research director at Inserm, "the concern is absolutely legitimate.This cloud, which passed over Rouen, is loaded with highly toxic dust at least carcinogenic," said the scientist in occupational cancers at the Sud-Ouest newspaper.

"The prefect does not lie when he says that there is no acute toxicity of the cloud, but he can not rule out long-term toxicity," says the scientist, recalling that the carcinogenic risk exists even for exposure of the cloud. short duration.

To date, the consequences - apparently - are far from alarming. Some 51 people consulted Rouen health facilities on Thursday and Friday morning because of the fire. Five of them, who already had respiratory diseases, were hospitalized, said Samu Friday afternoon. It remains to be seen in the long term.