On Monday morning, the Kiruna residents woke up to a white world, and the snow will continue to fall by five to ten centimeters. During the week, winter will move farther south and especially hit Jämtland, Dalarna and Härjedalen.

- But it's hard to say how much snow they will get, says Pererik Åberg.

Time to change to winter tires

A class-1 warning that was issued means that the snow can cause problems for individuals.

- Many have not changed to winter tires. It's time to do it now. Then maybe you should look over the wardrobe, that the children have warm clothes of the right size, says Åberg.

Warning of heavy rain and winds

In large parts of Götaland there have still been summer temperatures, but that boundary will now be moved further south.

- It's getting cooler. Around 10-12 degrees. But winter is not that far south.

In addition to winter weather in western Norrland, a warning is issued for heavy winds and rain in the eastern parts.

- In Medelpad and Ångermanland, there can be a lot of rain in a short period of time, which can lead to local floods, says Pererik Åberg.