According to the magazine "Apotikn Umchau" German that the body odor is sounding the alarm, it portends a serious illness.

The health magazine said that the body odor that looks like the smell of urine or ammonia (ammonia), may indicate kidney disease.

Severe sweat and pungent odor may be due to hyperthyroidism, which increases the secretion of sweat.

Other symptoms of hyperthyroidism include weight loss, sleep disorders, poor concentration and nervousness.

A foul-smelling fish-like smell from the genitals may indicate a fungal, bacterial or sexual infection. Often this stench is accompanied by itching, redness, burning sensation and gonorrhea.

The bad smell from the mouth is due to several causes, such as gingivitis, inflammatory bowel and GERD.

Halitosis, similar to the smell of acetone, or the smell of damaged fruit, indicates diabetes.

So you should immediately consult your doctor to determine the real cause of your body odor, and to undergo treatment promptly.