Mohamed Salah

Getting rid of sagging and obesity, and the appearance of a slim and harmonious athletic body, has become a global concern for success in working life, and enjoy a healthy and successful marital relationship. To this end, the gyms spread and competed in providing the latest equipment and the best offers, and social networking sites were crowded with topics and videos that showcase various experiences to achieve the dream of strength and agility, whether through diet programs or strenuous exercise.

The common denominator between these programs was the cost and time components, which is not solved by the ideal exercise programs at home, the shortest time required by these programs is 10 minutes.

4 minutes of exercise per day in an area of ​​two square meters inside the house is enough to get a slim body (communication sites)

4 minutes is equal to a full hour
But Hiragi Sensi, a 20-year-old Japanese man, has been able to offer a new experience free of time and money constraints, and it takes no more than four minutes to practice a day in two square meters indoors. Four minutes of push-ups with jumping up and knee-lifting, 20 seconds of exercise, and 10 seconds of rest, ensure the same results as you can from traditional gym workouts for an hour.

In March, Sensi began a challenge by posting self-portraits with a puffy, belly, defying that he would change that look and get rid of him by losing fat and gaining muscle.

Five months later, in August, he published stunning new images, accompanied by a video showing how much he achieved with a solid, slim body, compared to his old body shape, he lost 13 kilos, reduced body fat, and appeared. The muscles of his arms and chest are strong and prominent, and his belly appeared tight, after his attendance on the program "Tabata".

Tabata sports system
This model, followed by Sensi, is a special mathematical system known as "Tabata" (or frequent high-intensity training) after a Japanese doctor called "Izumi Tabata" and developed in the 1990s.

"I tried a lot of regimes, and I didn't last any longer than three days, but I finally seriously thought about it, and I decided to lose weight and started to do it," he said.

"I changed my diet by combining healthy foods like fresh vegetables with calorie-rich foods like grilled meat and curry rice."

Young Japanese integrate healthy foods into his diet (websites)

At the same time, Sensei cautioned that this type of sports training is not easy and requires a great deal of perseverance.

The young Japanese man has gained fame in his country after his results and his ability to change his body shape for the better dramatically and in a short time, through his own sports system, and received millions of positive reactions and call to practice his experience on social media.