The railway workers are fighting the government's pension reform project with a call for a strike by the CGT and Solidaires unions for the day of Tuesday (24 September). After lawyers, doctors, pilots, and nurses, SNCF employees hope to create a ripple effect against the government.

The management of the railway company expects a tricky day but not black: the traffic will be normal on international lines, almost normal in the case of TGV but more disturbed on Transilien networks (a train on two), TER (three trains out of five) and Intercités (two trains out of five in the day).

Users of the RER line B, which crosses the Paris region from north to south, can also expect delays, according to SNCF forecasts.

Events throughout France

Events hostile to this emblematic reform carried by President Macron are also planned throughout France, at the initiative of the CGT.

In solidarity, the FSU and Unsa-Ferroviaire joined the call to demonstrate launched in mid-July by the CGT at the time of submission of the report of High Commissioner Jean-Paul Delevoye, who has since become a member of the government.

In Paris, the demonstration will be held between the Republic Square and the Nation Square, with the reinforcement of youth organizations Unef and UNL. Also opposed to the reform, Force Ouvrière gathered several thousand people on Saturday.

End special pension schemes

Emmanuel Macron recently explained that we should "make choices, we will have discussions on professions for which there are special diets", but "maybe it will take more time. , do not close anything too soon ".

The government plans to pass the bill that will define the new universal system by July 2020, after a new citizen consultation. The reform plans to merge the 42 existing schemes into a single point system by 2025.

The President of the Republic will participate Thursday in Rodez to a debate on this theme, with 500 readers of the press group La Dépêche.