At the Burning School in Habo, the volume is significantly increased when school children come to the dining room shortly after 11 o'clock in the morning. A teacher rings a bell and recalls being silent.

Here the day is served fried pork with onion sauce with the chicken soup option. But not everyone fits. Selma Lagström Blank goes to the kitchen manager Elin Wikenmark, who picks up the vegetarian soup.

- I think that all people on earth eat too much meat. I heard that on Lilla Aktuellt, says Selma. I want to help make our world a little better.

Elin Wikenmark picks up another package. There is spaghetti and minced meat sauce.

"It could be to someone who has a diagnosis and who might just eat a dish," she says.

No national guidelines

On the trolley there is a note where it says which of the food of the day that the allergic person can eat. Noomi Sparr has gluten allergy.

- Then you can eat what you want here today, says Elin Wikenmark, after consulting the patch.

There are no national statistics on how many people receive special diets at school. There are also no guidelines for how municipalities should handle different children's different needs.

- In general, special diets are increasing across the country. Now there are no uniform statistics showing what it looks like across the country, but when I talk to colleagues who work in other dietary organizations around, they say it is increasing. In general, I can say that one fifth of all meals served in schools are special diets, says Åsa Kullberg, vice chairman of the industry organization Kost & Nutrition and one of those who work on developing national guidelines.

Big demands

Lena Bergström is diet manager in Habo municipality. She has worked with school food for over 30 years.

- I feel that there are more people who are allergic and multi-allergic today, she says.

In Habo municipality there are 170 children who have some kind of special diet.

- In recent years, children with neuropsychiatric disabilities have started to receive special diets. They just get more and more.

For them the children, special diets can mean everything from just eating a single dish, every day to the fact that there may only be red things on the plate or that the food must be in a special way.

- It places great demands on us, everything from planning, preparation and distribution, says Lena Bergström. Food at school has become more important.