
19 September 2018Suspension for the director of the female district office of Rome-Rebibbia, Ida Del Grosso, for her deputy, Gabriella Pedote, and for the deputy commander of the prison police department, Antonella Proietti. This is the decision taken by the Minister of Justice, Alfonso Bonafede, following the events that took place yesterday in the Roman prison where a prisoner killed her daughter and seriously injured her other son. The measures were adopted by the head of the Department of Penitentiary Administration, Francesco Basentini. Furthermore, an inspection has been underway since yesterday by the Dap.

The conditions of the second child launched from the stairs by her mother in the Rebibbia prison are "very serious", and "the assessment of brain death" is scheduled. This was written by the Bambino Gesù hospital in Rome. "The child's condition is unfortunately very serious - a statement said - The latest investigations necessary for the evaluation of the clinical picture have confirmed the condition of areflexic coma with an isoelectric electroencephalogram. It continues advanced resuscitation support".