The fact that the Democrats in the House of Representatives are now embarking on a judicial process means in practice that Nancy Pelosi will set up a committee to draw up a memorandum and then possibly put the president before the national court.

This is done in the House of Representatives where the Democrats have a majority.

"Will cost lots"

If it goes on to state law then the decision should then be passed in the Senate, where the Republicans have a majority. It also requires a two-thirds majority for Donald Trump to fall. And that will happen is unlikely, says SVT correspondent Carina Bergfeldt.

- It will cost lots of money. You may wonder if it's worth it when you know he probably won't be dropped in the end, says Carina Berfelt.

She states:

- But the Democrats now believe that it has reached a point where there are too many irregularities that they cannot show that they are taking it seriously.

"This is a big step"

Several Democrats have come to the election because they want to start a process of national justice against the president. Pelosi himself has doubted and doubted that the party really benefits from such a process. But, according to Bergfeldt, the pressure has probably now become great first for Pelosi not to act.

- A majority of Democrats want this now. Democrats think it has taken a step too far and that it is time for them to show that they are taking the will of the American people seriously. And it is a big step that she now makes a total turn around and says openly that it is time for the president to stand up for the answer.

Donald Trump, on the other hand, seems to take the message calmly.

- He doesn't seem to be particularly afraid of this. He has written before that he thinks he can profit from it. That he can use it in the 2020 election and say to look here, they have a witch process, says Carina Bergfeldt.