There are still paths for journalism, and we go through one of the pages of THE WORLD reading the exciting and anguishing story of Santi Abad, 30 years ago a magnificent basketball player who never just settled in the elite, for reasons that were not clear then , and that we now discover in an interview with Rodrigo Terrasa that he reveals to us the tortured path of a tall and gifted boy for sport, branded as conflictive when he was actually sinking into a depression that has haunted him all his life and that makes him say now, now fifty: "I regret my entire career."

A few months ago we heard for the first time, many of us who have been following basketball for years, about a depression: it was the case of Álex Abrines , the young and promising Spanish NBA player who was discharged by his club for that reason . Now, it seems that happily recovered, he has returned to Barcelona and will resume his career.

The fact is that the sports information too often stays in the technical analysis, in the outbursts of partisan pride and / or patriotism -forofismo, let's go- or in the endless rumors about what signings this or that club plans. But, after the advertising paraphernalia, sport is like all human activities, with its greatness and its miseries. And information like this brings us closer to its reality and confirms the role that journalism, that pure and hard information must still continue to fulfill.

The flashes about the last famous contestant eliminated in a reality show seem to dominate the media pages - today, mostly hosted on the Internet - and frivolize their content to the point of raising all those comments about the death of journalism. But, just as in the past we survived the entire pages on the sales of El Corte Inglés in paper newspapers, today we should - what a remedy - learn to distinguish between the clickbait prisoner media, to achieve the largest audience with the most apparent baits, and those who still reveal authentic stories, of suffering and achievement, of human beings who are, or should be, the protagonists of true information.

The day after some basketball competitions that have left his fans delighted, such as the World Cup and the Spanish Super Cup, the heartbreaking story of Santi Abad returns us to the harsh terrain of reality beyond the advertising flashes, and That is, has been and will be the task of journalism beyond the vicissitudes and conveniences of the moment.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • media

Media They were publicity reports, and as such they were identified

The listener Why do they want to be journalists

EditorialThe exemplary character of the basketball team