Within the labor movement there are those who believe that the Social Democrats are changing their electoral base, and that they are no longer aimed at the broad wage groups within LO and TCO.

- The former progressive left parties lose working class, lower officials, and instead win among urban academics, says Torbjörn Hallå.

He thinks you have to "stop the ball".

- You have to turn to the voters and say as it is: It was not you who left us, it was we who left you.


Magdalena Andersson (S), Minister of Finance. Photo: SVT

Disagree with

Finance Minister Magdalena Andersson (S) does not agree with Torbjörn Hållös's analysis.

- Many of the proposals we had when we went to elections, and which are included in the 121-point program, are very good for the entire LO collective.

She also points out that, according to her, the current government formation is a good prerequisite for tackling the social problems that exist.

- The alternative when we made this agreement in January was an M-KD government that had been a historically weak government for a troubled time. It had been the most right-wing government of modern times.