The United Arab Emirates (UAE) won the membership of the board of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) for the years 2020/2022 after the Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology «Standards» obtained the majority of the votes of the member states of the General Assembly of the International Organization in the activities of the General Assembly of the Organization held on Friday evening in Cape Town South Africa.

Standards, which represented the country in the election of the International Organization for Standardization Organization (ISO), won 64 votes out of 108 votes for member states, while Denmark, the rival in the election, received 44 votes.

The Director General of the Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology «specifications» Chairman of the UAE delegation in the meetings Abdullah Almuaini that the UAE's membership in the organization comes for the second time after the UAE also won the election in the period 2013/2014 to prove the role of the regional and global prominent in the sector of standards and quality infrastructure Based on its international reputation and civilization renaissance in various fields, especially the quality infrastructure sector.

He pointed out that the UAE's membership in the board of directors of the International Organization for Standardization will enhance the country's international standing in the international organizations concerned in the fields of standardization and contribute to achieving the UAE Vision 2021 to be among the best countries in the world by the Golden Jubilee of the Union.

He added that the UAE membership will enhance confidence in the UAE standardization systems among countries and will increase the competitiveness of national products and increase their capabilities to access international markets in a way that positively reflects on improving the capabilities of the national economy and facilitates international recognition of UAE conformity certificates worldwide.

The period prior to the meeting witnessed an intensive activity from the Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology (Standards), where a number of meetings were held on the sidelines of the meeting to coordinate cooperation and integration in standardization activities with regional standardization bodies and standardization bodies in brotherly and friendly countries.