Sept. 20 at 9:43 on September 20

As Japan-Korea relations have deteriorated, discussions by the Director-General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan and Korea have been held. It seems that there is.

Discussions between the Asian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Takizaki Asia-Pacific Bureau and the South Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs Kim Jong-han, Director of the Asia-Pacific Bureau, are being held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Tokyo from around 9:00 am.

This is the first time that Mr. Takizaki, who took office this month, will be in official talks with the Korean side.

When Kim entered the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he told reporters that he wanted to discuss a wide range of concerns about each other.

In discussions, the Japanese side is again asking for a specific solution regarding the issue of “recruitment” during the Pacific War, as Korea needs to rectify the violation of international law promptly. It seems that.

In addition, it is expected that discussions will be made on Japan's export controls, which the Korean side is repelling.

On the other hand, it seems that adjustments are being made to realize the Japan-Korea Foreign Ministers Meeting in line with the United Nations General Assembly in New York.