A resolution to protect Syrian citizens is rejected by Russia and Russia

In Syria, where the civil war continued, the United Nations Security Council voted for a resolution to protect citizens on the assumption that civilian casualties would not be lost by attacks by the Assad administration. Was rejected and the limits of the Security Council were revealed again.

In Syria, fighting with the administration continues in the northwestern Idlib province, where the rebels are the last base, and according to the United Nations, more than 1000 citizens were sacrificed in the four months from April. It is that.

For this reason, the UN Security Council, such as a non-permanent member, Germany, proposed a resolution for citizen protection for all parties to the conflict and was voted on the 19th.

However, although 12 out of 15 Security Council members agreed, Russia, which was behind the Assad administration, and China, which had often abstained so far, were rejected by the exercising of veto rights of the permanent members. .

The United States Ambassador Kraft accused the United States of America, saying, “Russia is the 13th time to use veto power in Syria. It should be responsible for the death of citizens.” Voices of disappointment continued, such as "Can't be saved" or "Why the Security Council can't unite?"

On the other hand, the UN Ambassador to Russia Nebenja repeated the conventional assertion that “The Assad administration is fighting terrorists”, and the UN Ambassador to China should also advance the political process, redefining the limits of the Security Council. Exposed.