US officials continue protests in Hong Kong “The cause is in China” September 19th, 11:31

A senior official from the US government about Hong Kong's protests criticized China for arguing that America's involvement is behind it, because `` China is losing its own two systems that allowed Hong Kong to be highly autonomous. "And condemned the Chinese government.

Assistant Secretary of State Stillwell, who is in charge of East Asian policy in the Trump administration in the United States, attended a hearing on the diplomatic committee of the Senate on the 18th.

Among them, Assistant Secretary Stillwell criticized the protests that continue in Hong Kong: "The Chinese government has repeatedly accused the United States of being devastated, but it does not show evidence because it does not exist." did.

He said, “The people in Hong Kong are protesting because China is losing its own system that allowed Hong Kong to have a high degree of autonomy.” I was accused.

In addition, Assistant Secretary Stillwell said, “The Hong Kong government decided to withdraw the proposed amendment of the regulations because the United States put pressure on China to do the right thing,” and plans to keep a close watch on the situation. Showed.

Regarding the response to Japan-Korea relations, Assistant Secretary Stillwell said that Japan and Korea have repeatedly urged them to find ways to resolve each other's conflicts. “The relationship between the three countries is important for this region. “The United States continues to encourage positive resolutions in both countries,” he stressed, and the United States will continue to encourage improved relations.