More than half of all young Swedes have reduced their meat consumption for the sake of the climate. But among those over 50, most choose to eat as before. This shows a survey that SVT ordered from Novus. We asked questions about meat consumption to the Kalmar residents and the answers were varied.

- I eat meat because it's good. It will probably be several kilos per week, says Mats Krohné.

Have you considered reducing your meat consumption for the sake of the climate?

- No, I think that climate and meat is tragic. We have eaten meat at all times.

One who, on the other hand, has cut down on his meat-eating for the sake of the climate is Mikaela Johansson.

- I actually eat more and more vegetarian nowadays.

In the clip you hear what more Kalmar residents think about carnivorous eating and its impact on the climate.