Above all, it will be about the Second World War.

- There is an incredible interest right up here at the border and in Norway, this is huge, he says.

It is estimated that it is an investment of approximately SEK 80 million and the idea is that at least 100,000 people will visit the center every year.

The story to be told should begin in 1914, when Sweden and Norway formed a union, when it was disbanded in 1905 and what the relationship was like during World War II when Norway was occupied by Nazi Germany.

Öyvind Ottersen, journalist at the newspaper Grenseland, says that the interest in Norway is huge for history - especially that concerning the Second World War.

- I think Sweden benefits from knowing a little more about what happened and Norway benefits from knowing what role Sweden played during the war, says Öyvind Ottersen.

He says his job is to find people who are still alive and who can tell themselves.

Hope to have an experience center within three to four years

According to Sten Kilander, there are a number of Norwegian stakeholders who may wish to invest money in the investment.

- We talk to the Olav Thon Group, Handelsparken and also external investors in Östfold, he says.

Sten Kilander says that much remains to be done before everything is ready, but he hopes the experience center will be ready within three, four years.