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Addiction to work is the disease of the century, and our digital world adds a new dimension to the concept of this type of addiction, where smartphones and tablets provide opportunities to work anywhere and any time for some people, which means working all the time, the absence of leisure, and the feeling of many people that they are forced To continue working for a long time at home.

In a fast-paced world, it means longer working hours for most people, when losing an important call or not responding to an email quickly enough can result in a loss of money, making people think twice about having a relaxing evening with family or enjoying free time with friends.

Working for salary or trust?
Once the work was limited to the poor, educated elites that emerged to turn their passion into jobs, but over the past 40 years, the rich also tended to work, and preferred him to a life of free luxury until we arrived today in the world of social networking, where everyone shares his successes, a poison Which spreads in the form that "others have a higher status than you" to create our permanent obsession by searching for meaning.

Remove from your CV "Work Under Pressure" (Social Media)

Should a job provide a salary or a purpose such as self-confidence? The second answer is, until the workaholic becomes an obsessed individual, gradually becoming emotionally paralyzed and addicted to power and eager to publicly acknowledge his success.

According to a psychology Today report, this is called work addiction, and so far we have not talked about job advertisements asking for someone working during the evening, weekends and public holidays.

7 signs that you're addicted to work
Most researchers define a workaholic as someone who works excessively, is compulsory, and is unable to break away from work.

But so far there has been no definitive way to distinguish between hard-working and work-addicted until Norwegian researchers from the Department of Psychology and Social Sciences at the University of Bergen have identified the specific symptoms that characterize workaholics, having devised a measure of work addiction by several criteria that we must stay away from, according to Forbes.

1. If you're thinking about how to save more time for work.

You spend more time working than you planned at the beginning of the day.

3. You work out of getting rid of feelings of default, guilt, anxiety, helplessness, lack of self-confidence, and depression.

4 - If you repeatedly hear advice from around you from your family and colleagues about the need to reduce the number of hours worked.

5 - If you feel upset and nervous if you are prevented from working for health reasons, or your family needs to vacation with you.

6 - You do not practice your hobbies that you are used to, or recreational activities with your friends, and can not go to the gym because of work pressure.

7. You work a lot and are under pressure that has negatively affected your health in the recent period.

If you are doing four or more of the above points, you are addicted to work, and rest assured, you are not alone because about 10% of the world's population is suffering the same crisis but you have to solve it.

Why do you have to stop exhausting yourself?
It is normal to feel happy because you are serious about your job, doing more than you need, reaping more than you need, but do not think that by your addiction to work you have achieved success and will reach your dreams faster, and that evidence of excellence, because a study conducted by the University of Kansas in 2013 found People who work more than 50 hours a week are likely to suffer physical and mental health consequences.

Addiction to work can help you stand out from others, but you'll soon lose your passion (social media)

Your inability to separate work and leisure will certainly increase your productivity and distinguish you from the rest, but over time these production rates will shrink until they eventually collapse, because stress has cumulative effects that you will not notice today.It increases your exposure to health risks and contributes to premature death.

help yourself
Researchers suggest that a workaholic should be treated as a drug and alcohol addict, but the main problem in treating workaholic addiction is that it has no evidence that a doctor can diagnose it, despite a recent WHO decision to diagnose fatigue from working as a medical condition, so the responsibility for treatment will fall on you.

Initially, you can attend group therapy groups for people with the same condition under the supervision of a therapist or trainer. With family and friends.

The best way to get rid of addiction at work is to develop your inner feeling that you are now under pressure from working, working for a long time, and you should stop immediately.You will not find this alert inside you unless you are sure that it is dangerous to continue working on your health and staying with those you love.

Look at your personal life, your spouse, the children you work for, and your father and mother as they get older and need to ask you.This will alert you to what you lose in time.It will help you pay for taking holidays on a regular basis, setting limits for work, and forgetting the phone a little while you are with them.