The climate is a political issue that polarizes in the social debate.

According to an Opus survey from Novus, 86 percent of Swedes believe that humans are largely responsible for climate change. Ten percent believe that human impact is small, while only two percent reject the issue and do not believe that climate change exists.

Questioning SMHI's bleak future scenarios

But even though the proportion of skeptics is small, the tone of the online debates is often harsh. Many also hear about SMHI, whose often bleak future scenarios about sea and temperature increases can be seen as provocative. They think the alarms are exaggerated and question the authority's models and the science on which they base their conclusions.

- It is important for us that we are correct and that we are on a scientific basis. We are not guided by any political agenda, but we want to know what it really is, says Gustav Strandberg.

"Difficult to make lifestyle changes"

But that is something that some skeptics do not believe.

- It is difficult to make lifestyle changes. You are used to your way of life, and if you then have to change in a way you do not want, then it is clear you question the causes.

See the full feature in Sunday's Agenda at 21.15