The Nature Conservation Association, the Scouts in southern Sweden and the Skåne Orienteering Association are behind the open letter to the authorities.

The number of infected people in Skåne is quite small and stable But Linda Birkedal, chairman of the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation in Skåne points out that TBE is a serious illness that may require hospital care.

- In addition, it is very expensive to vaccinate, around SEK 4,500 for a two-child family. It can exclude families for financial reasons. We also notice that the children often worry and ask questions about ticks, ”she says.

No political hearing

But Gilbert Tribot (L), chairman of the region's health board, makes no promises of a free vaccine for children in Skåne alone.

- We have discussed the issue. But I would rather see a TBE in that case be part of the national free vaccination program so that it will be the same for everyone, he says.

Linda Birkedal thinks that the Scanian politicians should nevertheless give the issue another chance.

- The number of risk zones in Skåne has increased and the infection season has become ever longer. The regional council should consider this again, she says.