The development of the technology and the accessibility of cameras are highlighted as an explanation for the fact that nature photography has gained a boost. Not least, several of the mobile phone manufacturers are investing in camera development.

- You can take many more pictures and experiment more today compared to when we had film in the camera, says Jan Pedersen, nature photographer and author.

Both he and the acclaimed bird photographer Brutus Östling have noticed a significant upswing in nature photography over the last five to ten years, for example, by birdwatchers starting to photograph.

- It has become so much easier, says Brutus Östling.

More women

During Sunday, they were both in Umeå together with several other Swedish professional photographers. There, a nature photo day was arranged with the aim of giving interested people the chance to develop their hobby.

A trend that Jan Pedersen has seen is that more and more women, even younger ones, are choosing to take an interest in nature photography.

- It's a new group. I think it's very exciting. It often becomes very suggestive images and images with more emotion. In the past, it was a matter of depicting species as well as possible. Now it is more important to convey an expression, he says.

More difficult to stick out

But while it became easier to take pictures, it became more difficult to stand out from the crowd with their photos.

- Images that were considered high-class 25-30 years ago are not as exciting today. They are almost a bit mossy at times. Today it is going to a movement in the picture, a fantastic light and so on. It gets harder and harder because there are so many people who are capable, ”says Jan Pedersen.