Paris (AFP)

Marine Le Pen makes its official return to the militants in Fréjus (Var) this weekend to launch the battle of the municipal, attacking first Emmanuel Macron and unfolding its leitmotivs against immigration and insecurity.

The National Gathering intends to "continue the reconquest" started in the European elections, from which it came out victorious, and "to come to power", launched Sunday, very combative, the president of the party in his fief of Hénin-Beaumont.

The municipal election, unfavorable to the far-right party, is one of the "marches" to be crossed to reach the first, that of the presidential election in 2022, repeats the RN, judged as the party that best embodies the opposition to Emmanuel Macron, according to an Elabe poll released Wednesday.

The head of the RN intends to open its lists to personalities outside the party, as in Paris where the RN will support an enarque Serge Federbusch, or Carpentras (Vaucluse), where the first place goes to a retired general Bertrand de the Chesnais.

It also relies on the collapse of the Republicans in the European to convince elected officials and activists, who seem more tempted by The Republic in March.

Marine Le Pen lambasted in this respect labels that "waltz" ("LR become En Marche, En Marche become LR, Socialists become En Marche") to build his party "true base of solidity, certainty".

- Stand out from Marion -

The RN would especially like to set up more, irrigating around the ten cities already conquered, in its bastions of Nord-Pas-de-Calais and the Mediterranean rim. Including with opposition councilors likely to run for the departmental and regional elections of 2021.

A study for the Jean Jaurès Foundation published in August sees the RN win more in cities between 5,000 and 50,000 inhabitants where it won more than 35% of the votes in the European.

The Le Penist Party will have more trouble in the big cities, where the richer and more qualified electorate is not favorable to it, and the very small cities, where the RN does not have "sufficient militant forces" and "the de-demonization is far from over. "

Unlike 2018, Marine Le Pen will have a hard time boasting the ability to govern its allies in Europe, such as the Italian League and the Austrian FPÖ, who are no longer in power.

The head of the RN will also have to stand out from her niece Marion Maréchal, guest star of a "convention of the right" organized by his family in Paris on September 28 and judged by the French as the best candidate for the RN for 2022, according to Elabe.

"They will discuss, to emit ideas, it is positive (...) But we are not in the same step: I am the boss of a political movement, which is not the case of Marion", retorted Sunday Marine Le Pen.

- "Migratory anarchy kills" -

For her niece, LR's debacle is "an opportunity" to "anchor in a common future" right and far right. But for Marine Le Pen, who thinks that the right left cleavage is "out of date", it is necessary to gather all over the place. His rookie of France rebellious, Andréa Kotarac, detail Fréjus "contradictions" of his former party.

More committed than her aunt to societal values, Marion Maréchal will demonstrate on 6 October against the enlargement of medically assisted procreation (LDC) while the RN considers that the debate must take place in the Assembly, and leaves its activists "free "to scroll or not.

Aunt and niece, however, will share a guest, the controversial surgeon Laurent Alexandre who will talk to Frejus transhumanism and will also go to the "convention" in late September.

Their common point remains to prepare the alternation Emmanuel Macron, president "liberticide" for Marion Maréchal, responsible for "authoritarian drifts", "widespread insecurity" and "uncontrolled immigration" for Marine Le Pen.

Themes that will also evoke young RN gathered in Fréjus. Their leader, Jordan Bardella, also vice-president of the party, visited Tuesday in Villeurbanne, near Lyon, where an Afghan migrant is accused of a deadly knife attack to denounce "anarchy migration (which) hurts and kills in our country".

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