Some classes found themselves without teachers in September. And the schedules have given a lot of trouble to the principals.

On the whole, principals like the Minister of National Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer, speak of a technically successful start. At the cost of a great work effort on the part of educational staff, who could not avoid a few hiccups.

"We have no more substitute teachers"

In many schools, there were no teachers in front of the students on the first day of school. He missed three to Florence Delannoy, a principal in a high school near Lille: "A math teacher, a colleague who sent us his sick leave on the day of the school year, and [in this case], you always need a reaction time." But other absences could have been anticipated if there had been means. "Two physics teachers [were missing], we have no substitute faculty and we can not find any more contractors, we are actually using trainees who are preparing the competition."

What takes time before recruitment, and could not be done before the day J. Another point of tension with the reform of the high school: the jigsaw of the schedules, since the sectors disappear. The principals acknowledge having pampered the schedules of the teacher's side to avoid a crisis. And make sure you have tried to avoid the holes for the students as much as possible. But this is not the case everywhere.