Cabinet remodeling Mr. Koizumi, environmental enthusiast, "I will work."

Mr. Shinjiro Koizumi, who was appointed as the Minister of the Environment, called the reporter after the call, “Prime Minister Abe said that he would like to send information to the world and the country on issues such as global warming, climate change and marine plastics. I think that Japan's advanced initiatives for the environment are fields that can sell to the world and demonstrate Japan's strengths, so I want to work hard. "

Also, as one of the candidates for “Post Abe” is named, “Thank you for expecting the public, but since the first step of today is the result, the real value is questioned, so I worked. So it ’s all about getting it evaluated, so it works. ”

On the other hand, with regard to taking childcare leave, “What is the best way to make sure that the three things of public servicing are the top priority, crisis management is thorough, and worries about wives are balanced?” I would like to continue to think about what form I can understand. "