The guidelines mean that women over the age of 30 should first be tested for HPV virus and then cell changes, rather than the other way around. Of the country's 21 healthcare regions, Västerbotten belongs to one of the eight that has not yet introduced so-called HPV tests. The idea is that all women over the age of 30 undergo cell sampling to detect human papillomavirus, HPV. The method can reduce the risk of cervical cancer.

Already four years ago, the National Board of Health and Welfare issued recommendations to introduce HPV tests, but in the Region Västerbotten the start has been delayed.

"Delayed indefinitely long"

In the fall of 2018, project owner Ewa Klingefors was commissioned to run Region Västerbotten's part of the national project to combat cervical cancer and introduce HPV tests.

- I agree that it took an indefinitely long time to get started with the introduction. We probably all agree on this in the steering group and therefore we are now careful to follow the schedule so that we reach the target in the appointed time, says Ewa Klingefors, project owner for the Cervix Prevention Region Västerbotten.

After the turn of the year, primary care in Västerbotten will be running HPV tests in the county.