"I did not see the consequences Now, yes," said one of the managers of the bar Rouen, in which a fire had killed fourteen three years ago.


It was three years ago: 14 young people came to celebrate a birthday at the bar Cuba Libre, in Rouen, died asphyxiated in the basement in a fire. The fire had taken because of the candles on the cake. The young people remained prisoners below because the emergency door was locked. The managers of the bar have been tried since Monday morning before the Criminal Court of Rouen. In front of the courtroom, they were forced to keep a low profile.

According to their statements on Monday, these managers worked a little on the principle of "not seen, not taken" for all that concerns the management of the bar, whether it is the lease management contract ... or not declared basement dance floor. Both brothers lied or failed to declare this activity for fear of having their lease terminated.

"I thought it was not so bad"

"I did not see the consequences," said the elder brother. "Now, yes," he added to the room filled with civil parties. The younger brother has adopted little or the same attitude. After a first call to police, he said he thought: "As they did not come back to see us, I thought it was not very bad.

Some sentences that summarize the state of mind of the two defendants: they have circumvented the law without measuring the consequences. Even if today their attitude, consisting of low profile, seems to say that they became aware of the dramas they caused.