The roof of her house, located on the island of Abaco Islands, collapsed and Angela Cooke lay buried for 17 hours before being rescued. It was the family dog ​​that managed to track her down.

- The dog traced her among the breed masses and covered her with a shower curtain. Then he lay on top of her to keep her warm until the neighbors could come and help, Sandra Cooke, sister-in-law of Angela Cooke, tells the AP.

Angela Cooke could be rescued and then flown to the relatives in the capital Nassau by helicopter.

Waded with his son on his back

Another hero story comes from Nassaubon Brent Lowes. He has been blind for eleven years, but when the roof of his home was torn away by the wind, Brent realized that he needed to defy the storm and take himself and his son to safety.

His 24-year-old son suffers from a CP injury and can't walk himself, which is why Brent Lowes took his son on his shoulders and started wading through the water to get to safety.

Slowly and tirelessly, he made his way to the nearest house that was still standing.

"It was nasty, really nasty," Brent Lowe tells the New York Times.

43 deaths so far

For almost two days, Hurricane Dorian ravaged the Bahamas. Over 50 centimeters of rain has fallen and winds have been at almost 300 kilometers per hour.

The devastation on the most affected islands is described as very great. Many people are still missing, according to authorities. So far, the storm has required 43 deaths, TT writes.

The hurricane pulled over North Carolina during Friday, but is expected to subside over the weekend.