• Ambrosetti, entrepreneurs consider the work of the main leaders of the European Union
  • Ambrosetti, the concerns of entrepreneurs


by Tiziana Di Giovannandrea 08 September 2019The over 200 entrepreneurs who took part in Cernobbio, at Villa d'Este, during the work of the last day of the Forum organized by The European House-Ambrosetti, expressed doubts about the experience of a yellow-green government. Attend the judgment on the Executive Conte bis.

For the third consecutive day also in today's forum, via televoting, a survey was conducted among the entrepreneurs present with a theme both on their level of confidence on the current situation and on Italy's future prospects and a judgment on the Lega-M5s Government and on the new Executive M5S and Pd.

Overall, the level of confidence in Italy's current situation and future prospects is not positive. 39.1% have a "low" and "very low" feeling, while those who have a high confidence are only 15.2%. A sufficient level of trust towards today and tomorrow was expressed by 25.7% of the entrepreneurs participating in the Forum.

As for the experience of the yellow-green government by the Forum Ambrosetti audience, the judgment was rejected. According to the results of the televoting provided by the over 200 entrepreneurs who attended the last day of the workshop, 59.1% (6 entrepreneurs out of 10) judged the work of the Count 1 "very negatively". Furthermore, on a scale of 1 (very negatively) to 9 (very positively), 22.6% of those present voted 2 and 8.6% on 3 while those who expressed an acceptable judgment were 4.3% overall.

As for the expectations on the new M5S-Pd government, the respondents are wait-and-see: the sentiment has different degrees of judgment, even if the relative majority of those present (18.6%) expressed a judgment that is placed halfway in a scale from 1 (very low expectations) to 9 (very high).

Political situation in the United States. For Ambrosetti entrepreneurs, Trump will be re-elected to the White House
Furthermore, the entrepreneurs of Cernobbio at the round table with Hillary Clinton, which took place in the late afternoon yesterday, with the televoting judged the political action of the current US president Donald Trump not promoting his work but saying convinced that it will be re-elected to the White House.

The televoting of the over 200 entrepreneurs has judged Trump's political action to be very negative in 32.9% of cases while those who consider it very positive is only 3%. As for the expectations of the US presidential elections next year, 52.4% of voters consider for certain the re-election of the current president. The hypothesis that a Democrat beats Trump is predicted by 31% while just 5.9% believe that another Republican can oust him from the White House race.