Rawha Jhah says she paid SEK 10,000 black when she moved in. She has managed to get hold of another apartment in central Ronneby and is moving soon. She has been told by the People's Housing that she will not receive any money back.

Mohammed Khalid Hsan recently moved to a smaller and cheaper apartment. He was forced to pay SEK 25,000 black for his rental apartment on Folkparksvägen 12 in Ronneby. He has not recovered a penny of his money.

Nicola Sheghri lives in her apartment, but wants to get away from the house as soon as possible. He has made several police reports against the People's Housing and visits the social and police as often as he can. He wants the black money back, SEK 6,000, he paid for his contract. But above all he hopes to find a new accommodation.

- We don't even care about the money anymore. We just want to start living as human beings. The house is so dirty, it is humiliating, says Nicola Sheghri.

Divisible discovered everything - now she has left

In early August, Delbar Dakouri left and her children rented the apartment rented by the People's Housing. Divisible felt so deceived by the company that she wanted to film when she handed in the keys. All so that they do not demand more money from her after the move from Folkparksvägen 12.

- Now I don't have to deal with them anymore, I've paid all the invoices. They have said "we don't need any more from you, but please do not talk to anyone", says Delbar Dakouri.

This has happened

It was at the end of May that SVT Nyheter Blekinge was able to reveal the legacy of black contracts for second-hand contracts in a rental property in Ronneby. The apartments were mediated by the Stockholm-based company Folkets Bostäder, whose business concept was to help vulnerable people get an apartment.

During SVT's tour of the apartment building in Ronneby, all seven of the nine families that the SVT team met told about a completely different side of Folkets Bostäder. They stated that they were forced to pay black money to move in. The money was paid on site to one of the company's two employees in Ronneby.


Divisible Dakouri and her son Haitham have long fought for the People's Housing, which they believe has deceived them, and several other families for money. Photo: Stina Sandström / SVT

See SVT News Blekinge's disclosure

It is in this house in Ronneby that the company has requested black money from its tenants. Photo: Cajsa Bengtsson / SVT